There are three main Gods and a scattering of lesser gods of various strengths on the world of Krynn, Reorx probably being the most powerful of the “lesser” gods as he forged the world. The main and most powerful gods are Paladine for good, Gilean for neutral and Takhisis for evil. They consider each other siblings and try to tolerate their differences. Even though the gods are considered to have left the world, they did not. They only keep their distance after the cataclysm and often walk the land in avatar form unbeknownst to the people of Krynn [except the currently banished Takhisis]. While characters don’t need to choose a god from these lists, religion can play an important part of your game experience and cutting yourself off from one of them could also cut you off from a lot of options for power, guidance and opportunity.
On a last note about gods. Magical power comes from three lesser gods. Solinari, Lunitari and Nuitari. Each god is represented/manifested by one of Krynns three moons. The silver, red and black moons represent magical powers of good, neutrality and evil. The black moon is only visible to those who connect with that deity, Nuitari. A character doesn’t have to pledge to any of these moons to have magic power, especially because the gods are largely thought to be gone by academics and even a fictional myth to the common people but that is where the ‘mana’ is coming from. While a magic user is not required to affiliate with any of them, it can be very beneficial if they do and almost never a detriment.